Parish Life & Hospitality

The ministry of hospitality is central to our parish mission. Our goal is to build a welcoming and vibrant parish community for all ages and walks of life. Through parish events, community meals, ministry involvement and other activities, we work to immerse new and current members into the life of our parish and strive to build a true “parish family.”

At Sts. Mary and John Parish, we believe that a healthy parish life is everyone’s responsibility and believe that members feel a vested interest in the life of the parish when they are involved. Our Director of Communication and Membership and Hospitality Ministers work to seek out, register, and connect new members with the rest of our parish family. Our Parish Life Ministries reach out to new families, the elderly, and offer activities, programming, and support to parishioners throughout their lives. 

Since we have gifts that differ according to the grace given to us, let us exercise them: If prophecy, in proportion to the faith; if ministry, in ministering; if one is a teacher, in teaching; if one exhorts, in exhortation; if one contributes, in generosity; if one is over others, with diligence; if one does acts of mercy, with cheerfulness.      ~Romans 12:6-8

Hospitality is a hallmark of St. Mary! We love to celebrate and invite you to help us. During the year we have many different events, dinners and activities planned. Teams of parishioners volunteer and will be involved in all of the action, from set up to clean up or you can donate your favorite covered dish or finger food for whatever the occasion you choose.

This is a wonderful way to minister to your church family if you have limited time and need to schedule your volunteer time. To get involved in the Hospitality Ministry, please contact Lee Griggs, our Director of Communication and Membership at 425-1577 ext. 207.

One of Sts. Mary and John’s most enjoyed Hospitality ministries is Coffee & Fellowship after Sunday morning Mass. This gathering is attended by many parishioners and visitors and is a great way to meet members of the parish family in a relaxed, fun atmosphere. As a coffee and fellowship volunteer, you would work with a team 30-45 minutes early before Mass to set-up, make coffee, and put out planned snacks. Clean-up is simple as you do it with a smile on your face knowing you have played a vital role in the welcoming atmosphere here at Sts. Mary and John parish.

If you are interested, please contact Lee Griggs, Director of Communication and Membership, 425-1577 ext 207.

Some members of Sts. Mary and John parish are not able to be present at Mass or participate in parish functions because of illness or disability. Also, we have parish members in the hospital that are sick or facing surgery. We want these parishioners to know they are still a very important part of our parish assembly and valued members of our community. Circle of Care Ministers visit these parishioners and take them communion. They share with these parishioners the hope, prayer, love and peace that is so much a part of the spirit of  Sts. Mary and John. These volunteers who bring not only the presence of Christ, but also the face of Sts. Mary and John parish to our home-bound parishioners, those in nursing homes and those hospitalized help keep faith alive and parishioners connected at a time when they may be facing loneliness and doubt.

If you need more information or are interested in volunteering for this ministry please contact Lee Griggs, Director of Communication and Membership, 425-1577 ext. 207.

If you enjoy cooking and sharing the spirit of hospitality with others, and at the same time building community, this is a great ministry for you. The Chicken Soup and Chocolate Team are volunteers who get together in the parish once a month to cook. The bounty of their work will provide a meal to the home of a family during a life challenging event, such as illness, injury or surgery.  or after the birth of a child. You will have the opportunity to welcome our newest members of Sts. Mary and John parish as well as provide the parents with a much-needed hot meal and to share the love of Christ with the gift of a hot meal to those in our parish who need our compassion and care.

If you would like to volunteer for this ministry please contact Lee Griggs, our Director of Communication and Membership at 425-1577 ext 207.

Sts. Mary and John Parish has always been dedicated to prayer and reaching out to those who are in need of prayer. As a church community we are supportive of one another and know within our hearts that prayer is a powerful expression of love. Do you believe in the power of prayer? The members of our Prayer Chain do, and so do the many people who request their prayers. If you would like to be an important “link” in our Prayer Chain please contact Lee Griggs, [email protected] 812-425-1577 ext. 207. What a great way to express our love of and trust in God.


Members of the Resurrection Luncheon ministry prepare and serve a delicious meal for family and friends of deceased Sts. Mary and John members. In addition to the food and comfort provided by these gatherings, it allows the family and friends of the deceased to relax, visit, and share memories. Parish members can participate in this ministry by providing your favorite salad, vegetable, or dessert when called, and/or join with others as we prepare the meats, drinks, set the tables, wash dishes, etc. This is a wonderful ministry for those who like to cook and/or have a limited amount of time to give, to share their hospitality and compassion.

Please contact Lee Griggs, our Director of Communication and Membership, for more information at 425-1577 ext 207.

This ministry is a great way to use your love of the outdoors, green thumbs or working with your hands to beautify our parish grounds. In the Spring we gather on a Saturday to plant for the blooming season. In late fall we have a day that we clean up, rake, prune and get our grounds ready for the winter months. We also have volunteers who water inside plants throughout the year and water outside during the flowering months.

Also, if you love working with your hands and gardening, think about using your talents by adopting a spot to plant and care for throughout the year. For more information on this ministry please contact Lee Griggs at 425-1577 ext 207.

Do you have a head for facts and figures? Do numbers and counting money intrigue you? Are you free on Monday mornings? We have the ministry for you! Our collection counters tally the collections from the weekend Masses every Monday morning. It is a position of great responsibility and confidentiality and a very important ministry to Sts. Mary and John Parish.

If you would like to join our team of volunteers and be added to our rotating pool of money counters on Monday mornings approximately once a month. Please contact Kim Kuehn at 812-425-1577 ext 210.

When I stand before God at the end of my life I would hope that I would have not a single bit of talent left and could say...I used everything you gave me!

Mass & Confession Times

Mass 4:00 pm | Confession 3:15-3:45 pm
Mass 10:00 am | Confession 9:15-9:45 am
Mass 4:00 pm | Confession 3:15-3:45 pm
Mass - 12:05 p.m.
Adoration - 11:00 am 
Confession 11:30-11:55 am

Martin Luther King, Jr. Day; Monday, January 20, 2025
Mass on this day will be at 9:00 am
Adoration 8:00 am and Confession 8:30-8:50 am  


Catholic Charities USA launched a dedicated disaster relief fund to help those impacted by the wildfires. One hundred percent of all donations will be allocated to Catholic Charities of Los Angeles, which will provide critical humanitarian relief to those most in need. Catholic Charities USA and its member agencies around the country have a long history of rapidly mobilizing following disasters not only to meet the immediate needs but also to provide long-term support to communities as they rebuild.

Below are ways to give:
To make a gift, donors may donate online to Catholic Charities USA
Here is the link to the online donate page
Gifts can also be made by texting “FIRES” to 20406.
Donors may give by mailing a check to Catholic Charities at Catholic Charities USA; 2050 Ballenger Ave. Suite 400; Alexandria, VA 22314. Please note L.A. Wildfire Relief on the memo line of the check.

For a summary of Catholic Charities USA response, you may visit this website. I expect it will be updated during the course of the response.
This link contains a news article about Catholic Charities relief efforts.


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