Liturgical Ministries

Liturgy at Sts. Mary and John Parish

The documents of Vatican II state that “The Eucharistic sacrifice is the source and the summit of the whole of the Church’s worship and of the Christian life.” Here at Sts. Mary and John, we strive to always maintain the highest standard of liturgy. Our constant hope is that all who gather in worship will be enlivened and inspired by hearing God’s Word proclaimed, by raising their voices in songs of praise, and by partaking of the Body and Blood of our Savior, Jesus Christ.

With the Eucharist as the high point of our Christian lives, our Liturgical Ministries seek to actively engage people of all ages in praising God through active service in the Liturgy, so that all feel truly welcome and can fully participate in the Eucharistic Celebration. From Lectors/Ministers of the Word to Greeters, Ushers, Adult Servers, Altar Servers, Sacristy Assistants, and Art and Environment Coordinators, we seek to have a place for everyone in the Liturgy at Sts. Mary and John Parish.

Along with our Liturgical Ministries, our Music Ministries cover the breadth of the musical spectrum and seek to give vocalists and instrumentalists solid opportunities to praise God in song.

We work to find a place for everyone’s personal expression of prayer in the Liturgy. If you’d like to get involved in any of the ministries described below, please contact, Lee Griggs, Director of Communication and Membership, 812-425-1577 ext 207.

The Greeters Ministry at Sts. Mary and John Parish works to ensure that all who gather in worship will feel welcome in our community. With a smile, Greeters welcome the Assembly before the liturgy and wish them well as they leave. Greeters also provide necessary information about the church to visitors and others who request it. Through their ministry, the Greeters work to ensure that all feel truly welcome and excited about participating fully in the Eucharistic celebration.

Along with Greeters, Ushers are a vital part of our mission of hospitality. Ushers also welcome the Assembly to worship, and then help them find seating. They identify and assist Assembly members as gift-bearers, distribute bulletins, present the Stewardship offering to the presider, or may act as crucifer.

Ministers of the Word, or Lectors, proclaim God’s Word at the liturgies each week. Lectors can choose to serve at any of our three liturgies. Through ongoing formation and training, our Lectors work to ensure all gathered truly hear God’s voice speaking during liturgy and inspire in prayer all members of the Assembly.

Eucharistic Ministers share the Most Holy Body and Blood of Jesus with all those who gather at Eucharist. In addition, they assist with preparing the altar for the Liturgy of the Eucharist. Through ongoing formation and training, our Eucharistic Ministers strive to present the Body and Blood with the utmost reverence and convey the spirit of the Lord through their ministry. Eucharistic Ministers can choose to serve at any of our liturgies.

An Adult Server helps coordinate our liturgies from the opening procession to the end of the liturgy. By assisting and directing the Presider and other ministers, Adult Servers work to ensure that liturgies flow “seamlessly” from one moment to the next. Adult Servers also work in close contact with youth servers, directing them through their role in the liturgy.

Servers work under the guidance of the priest to assist with various tasks throughout the Liturgy. Any parishioner who has made their First Communion, are eligible to be Altar Servers. At Eucharist, Servers assist the Presider and other Ministers.

Lydia Ministers, named after Lydia who provided Paul and Silas a safe-house in Rome, wash, iron and sew the altar linens, banners and other materials used in Church throughout the year. If you love to sew, quilt, starch and iron, this ministry is for you.

These ministers participate as needed, acting as candle bearers, crucifers, banner carriers and streamer wavers, especially at the more major liturgical celebrations and solemnities.

Mass & Confession Times

Mass 4:00 pm | Confession 3:15-3:45 pm
Mass 10:00 am | Confession 9:15-9:45 am
Mass 4:00 pm | Confession 3:15-3:45 pm
Mass - 12:05 p.m.
Adoration - 11:00 am 
Confession 11:30-11:55 am

Martin Luther King, Jr. Day; Monday, January 20, 2025
Mass on this day will be at 9:00 am
Adoration 8:00 am and Confession 8:30-8:50 am  


Catholic Charities USA launched a dedicated disaster relief fund to help those impacted by the wildfires. One hundred percent of all donations will be allocated to Catholic Charities of Los Angeles, which will provide critical humanitarian relief to those most in need. Catholic Charities USA and its member agencies around the country have a long history of rapidly mobilizing following disasters not only to meet the immediate needs but also to provide long-term support to communities as they rebuild.

Below are ways to give:
To make a gift, donors may donate online to Catholic Charities USA
Here is the link to the online donate page
Gifts can also be made by texting “FIRES” to 20406.
Donors may give by mailing a check to Catholic Charities at Catholic Charities USA; 2050 Ballenger Ave. Suite 400; Alexandria, VA 22314. Please note L.A. Wildfire Relief on the memo line of the check.

For a summary of Catholic Charities USA response, you may visit this website. I expect it will be updated during the course of the response.
This link contains a news article about Catholic Charities relief efforts.


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