For the kids...

A CALL OUT to families with children, grandparents, older youth and all those interested in participating in, helping with or planning some programs for children. FR. EUGENE NEEDS YOUR INPUT

HE INVITES YOU TO ATTEND a short meeting on Sunday, September 17 right after the 10 am Mass in church. 
For questions, to volunteer or give feedback please contact Fr. Eugene or Lee Griggs in the office.812-425-1577

September 13, 2023 - 1:45pm

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Sacrament Preparation

If you are 16 or a sophomore in high school or older and would like to receive the Sacrament of Confirmation

OR...Read more

The Eucharist and the Church's Teachings June 25

Religious Formation Class this Sunday June 25 in Rager Hall Our parish’s Deacon Tom Kempf will lead a series about the Eucharist and the...Read more

Mission Appeal June 24-25

The Missionaries of Our Lady of La Salette will preach the annual parish mission appeal this weekend. Welcome Fr. Bibin Parekunnel!

Having brought...Read more

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