show love...with diapers
“Show love from the BOTTOM UP Diaper Drive”  
Sts. Mary and John Parish will be collecting diapers the month of February for the Right to Life diaper drive. The collection begins on Sunday, February 5th and runs through Sunday, February 26th. There will be large marked collection boxes in church beginning Feb. 4. Diapers any size; Newborn, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 etc are needed. All diapers collected will be distributed to Evansville Christian Life Center, Birthright, Trotter House, Marsha’s Place, and the Gabriel Project by RtoL. For more information or to make a monetary donation go to www.rtlswin.org/diaperdrive

February 1, 2023 - 11:51am

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