Welcome to Sts. Mary and John Catholic Parish


The Jubilee and the Eucharist
The Jubilee of 2025 “Pilgrims of Hope” offers a valuable opportunity for preparing and deepening our understanding of the true meaning of the Eucharist. To fully experience this great mystery an appropriate disposition of heart and mind is necessary each time we approach the Eucharist. 

Prepare for Mass Well in the Jubilee: 
Approach the Eucharist with a brief personal preparation in silence that helps you step out of the hectic pace of daily life to reflect on the mystery you are about to experience. You may pause in front of the tabernacle, where the Blessed Sacrament is present, recognizing that He will soon make Himself present on the altar, giving Himself to us in His true Body and Blood. It may also be very helpful to read the passages of God’s Word that will be proclaimed in the liturgy ahead of time.

Event Planned
Pilgrimage to Italy; The Diocese of Evansville is offering a 12-day pilgrimage to Italy from September 15–26, 2025 


Mass & Confession Times

Mass 4:00 pm | Confession 3:15-3:45 pm
Mass 10:00 am | Confession 9:15-9:45 am
Mass 4:00 pm | Confession 3:15-3:45 pm
Mass - 12:05 p.m.
Adoration - 11:00 am 
Confession 11:30-11:55 am

Martin Luther King, Jr. Day; Monday, January 20, 2025
Mass on this day will be at 9:00 am
Adoration 8:00 am and Confession 8:30-8:50 am  


Catholic Charities USA launched a dedicated disaster relief fund to help those impacted by the wildfires. One hundred percent of all donations will be allocated to Catholic Charities of Los Angeles, which will provide critical humanitarian relief to those most in need. Catholic Charities USA and its member agencies around the country have a long history of rapidly mobilizing following disasters not only to meet the immediate needs but also to provide long-term support to communities as they rebuild.

Below are ways to give:
To make a gift, donors may donate online to Catholic Charities USA
Here is the link to the online donate page
Gifts can also be made by texting “FIRES” to 20406.
Donors may give by mailing a check to Catholic Charities at Catholic Charities USA; 2050 Ballenger Ave. Suite 400; Alexandria, VA 22314. Please note L.A. Wildfire Relief on the memo line of the check.

For a summary of Catholic Charities USA response, you may visit this website. I expect it will be updated during the course of the response.
This link contains a news article about Catholic Charities relief efforts.


St. Mary Church

Virtual Tour of the Church



January 17, 2025

The Week of Prayer for Christian Unity January 18-25, has a history of over 100 years, where Christians around the world take...Read more

Pray for us...

December 13, 2024

OCIA... Order of Christian Initiation of Adults Order of Christian Initiation of Adults: A process for adults to become Catholic and receive...Read more

Holy Day Mass Times

December 9, 2024

Join us for Holy Day Mass today; Monday, December 9, 2024 Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary Adoration 11:00 am Confession 11:30-11:55 am...Read more

Weekly Announcements

February 13, 2025 - 6:30pm
Good evening. This weekend we celebrate the sixth Sunday in Ordinary time where we hear in the first reading blessed are those who trust in the Lord. This weekend we also celebrate Saint Meinrad Sunday where Fr. Sean, a Benedictan monk will be with us. This Sunday after the 10 am Mass the Women's Bible Study group will have their first meeting in Rager Hall. If you are interested but have not signed up then please come. We have a few extra books available. We will have a parish celebration for Fat Tuesday, March 4 from six to eight in Rager Hall. All are welcome and more information is in the bulletin. Ash Wednesday will take place Wednesday, March 5 with Masses at 12:05 and at 5:30 pm. Ash Wednesday is an universal day of fasting and abstinence in the Church for anyone 18 to 59 except for those with medical reasons not able to fast. Friday's during Lent everyone 14 years old and up must abstain from consuming meat. We pray for those dealing with depression, cancer and other issues. Thank you for all you do for our parish. May God bless your weekend.
February 6, 2025 - 6:30pm
Good evening. This weekend we celebrate the Fifth Sunday in Ordinary time where Peter and Jesus disciples leave everything and followed Him. There will be a racial justice gathering at Eykamp Hall in the Ridgeway Auditorium on the U of E campus this Sunday at 2 pm. Saint Meinrad Sunday will be the weekend of February 15 and 16 with Fr. Sean, a Benedictan Monk here with us. We have installed a hearing assistance system. How it works and directions are in the bulletin along with on the website. If you have any questions contact Tina Schutte. The Diaper Drive continues. Thank you for your support. World Day of the Sick is this Tuesday. As we celebrate, National Marriage Week and Racial Justice Faith Week, we pray for Marriages and respect among all ethnic groups along with prays for all the sick. Thank you for all you do for our parish. May God bless your weekend.
January 23, 2025 - 6:30pm
Good evening. This weekend we celebrate the Third Sunday in Ordinary time where Jesus reminds us He has come to bring glad tidings to the poor. This Friday we will have the funeral for Ray Bigge at 10 am with viewing 9 to 10 at Church. This week we pray for Christian Unity and seek to find areas of common ground to help to work together to change the world. The weekend of February 2 and 3 we will have a second collection for alms and anointing of the sick after all weekend Masses. February 3 to the 9 is Racial Justice Faith Week. February 2 to March 2 we will have a diaper drive sponsored by Right to Life. There will be boxes in the back of Church starting with the first weekend of February. You can also drop off the diapers during Parish Office hours. For those who signed up for the Women's Bible Study there are letters being mailed out to all of you with details for this event. We pray for unity among all Christians, for respect among all peoples and for the Ray Bigge family. Thank you for all do for our parish. May God bless your weekend.
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